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English Tuition

We tutor English for students in both primary and college, up to NCEA Level 3.


Our English lessons are informed by our diagnostic assessment tools. This means we can careful scaffold your child's learning experiences to build on their strengths and target their development needs to help them progress in their literacy journey. 

Lesson in structured literacy or secondary English are available with tutors across New Zealand. 

Primary and Intermediate

English Lessons at this level offer support to students with difficulties in the following: 

  • Systematic Phonics

  • Reading fluency and Accuracy

  • Reading comprehension techniques

  • Spelling rules (orthography and morphology) 

  • Effective sentence structures and grammar

  • Vocabulary development

  • Handwriting

  • The writing process. 

  • Structured approaches to support students with dyslexia. 

We want our students to develop a love for literacy and make sure our lessons are targetted, relevant and engaging.


"Shiloh was absolutely beaming all the way home from tutoring. He was so proud the progress he is making. I am amazed to see the change in his self esteem. "

Jess, Shiloh's Mum (Year 7)

English Tutor

"My son was engaged and focussed in every lesson. He is delighted with his results, as am I!" 

Susan, Willliam's Mum 

(Year 11)

College and
NCEA Levels

English lessons at this level will focus on reading and writing for academic purpose. We help to prepare our students for upcoming exams and the increasing literacy demands in their school life. 

We also offer support and advocacy for students with dyselxia or another specified learning difficulty.


  • Essay writing technique

  • Spelling and grammar

  • Speech writing and delivery

  • Vocabulary development

  • Handwriting

  • Reading for academic purposes

  • Writing portfolio

  • Reading response technique

  • Literature review

  • NCEA Corequisite preparation



Free Consult 

(Primary | Intermediate)

We love to meet new students and help them in their learning. Please get in touch  with Anna to find out how we can help your child to grow in confidence and accelerate their learning 


Free Consult 

(College| Adult )

Navigating college can seem daunting. Let us help simplify the process by building confidence and providing targeted teaching to help you find success at NCEA and beyond. Get in touch with Amy to find out how we may be able to support you. 

English Workshops

Study Skills .jpg

Contact Us


Boost Your Learning HQ

9 Morrison Street, Nelson



020 6031 4035

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri


Other hours by request

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